Thursday, September 11, 2014

Are You Ready to DO LIFE? {A Guest Blog Post}

I am so excited to introduce to the yinRoot community a new friend...Renay Pegg! Renay and I met through a long-time mutual friend (Thanks, Karin!) who saw the need to connect us to one another when she learned we were both starting new businesses in Indianapolis. Immediately when Renay and I met, we hit it off! She was super easy to talk to, she was fun and cheery, and has an amazing up-and-coming business. What's not to love, right?!

So, let me tell you a little more about Renay...

Renay is a Lifestyle Manager (Personal Concierge) and the owner of Do Life. She currently resides in Carmel, Indiana and chooses to do life with her husband, daughter, and Old English Sheepdog. She is on a journey to do her life better and live it on purpose and she loves to help others to do the same!

Without further ado...I introduce to you, Renay.


Are You Ready To Do Life?
written by: Renay Pegg

We all get that feeling least that’s what I tell myself so I don’t feel like I’m the only one. You know, the whole misery loves company saying? Except, in this case, misery is way too strong of a word.

It’s like this – I love being a mom, I really do! Specifically, I love being a working mom because I'm definitely not "stay at home mom" material. But, sometimes when I combine that with an ambition to keep succeeding, being a wife, trying to be a good friend, and being like 27 other things, I feel…well, I don’t feel like ME! 

It’s like I want all these things, but I want other things too – I want more. 

On one hand, that’s ok. The logical part of me knows that it’s normal to want more but on the other hand, I think...when? I work 8+ hours a day and my husband has a career that requires him to work even more than that. So...after my “job, job”, I am often hanging out with my little one. This, while I'm not complaining, doesn't leave me with very much me time. 

Besides just having me time, I would love to spend time with my family without 33 to-do tasks constantly running through my mind. You know, the whole concept of I don’t even have time to give my husband a hug because I have to make dinner, sweep the floor, prep the next day’s meals, unload the dishwasher, blah, blah, blah. 

Sound familiar? 

The thing is, I only have one kid and I work a somewhat flexible job...but still! Some people have four kids, work more hours, and they’re fine. Regardless, I’ve gotta believe you know what I’m talking about or that you've experienced it at some point in your life. Kids or not, career or no career, there’s always just stuff on our minds, right? I find it hard to just be. Be in the moment and be doing what I want to do....LIFE!
That's my truth. So, I decided that I had to make a change. 

I’m a huge follower of Glennon from Momastery. Almost daily, I read her words and one day when I read them, they told me I had to do something. I had to live this one life better! I had to live it on purpose. We all need to. 

Hence, Do Life was born. 

I know there are some things I can do if I just make time, but you know what? Sometimes, I just don’t want to! It’s like this: I could probably decorate my house by myself if I took two weeks off work, or spend less time with baby cakes (yes, that’s what I call my daughter), but I don’t want to. My husband and I could hang our own curtains, pictures, book shelves, etc., but know what...we don’t want to! 

Yes, we pay someone to do these things for us, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. 

I’m not buying a decorator or a handyman, but rather, I’m buying time. I’m buying more life! How can that be bad? If you don’t believe me, check out this article. People all over the place are asking for help. 

SO....are you ready to just Do Life

I'd love to hear from you! Let’s work together so that we can all do life a little better. Keep checking in with me on my website and I’ll keep posting thoughts and tips for you. Maybe you need me to arrange someone to come and do your landscaping, or maybe you have a difficult time remembering to send birthday cards. Would you like someone to run your after work errands? Let me know! 

That's why I'm here...I can't wait to help! 
If you want to learn more about me, feel free to email me at or call me at 317-753-1607. You can also stay connected with me via the Do Life page on FacebookUntil then...
Take care, be you, and DO LIFE!
XO, Renay