Friday, January 17, 2014

Finding the Balance: Omega 3 & Omega 6

Salmon is a great source of
Omega 3's - an essential fatty acid
Do you know just how essential the Omega 3 & Omega 6 balance is for you and the health of your unborn baby? Due to our SAD (Standard American Diet) habits, most Americans have extremely high levels of Omega 6's and very low levels of Omega 3's.

So, I'm deficient in Omega 3's and drowning in Omega 6's....what next? Look at your diet!

Omega 6's are heavily present in our diets today in the form of vegetable oils and seed oils (soybean, corn, grapeseed, etc.) which we get from fast food, eating out at {most} restaurants, and packaged and processed foods.

Omega 3's are found in flaxseed oils, chia seeds, some leafy green vegetables, and in oily, cold-water fish such as herring, tuna, salmon, and algae.

What is an Essential Fatty Acid anyhow?

Essential Fatty Acids are fats that are essential for human health and cannot be constructed within the body: they must be obtained from food or supplementation. They are a principle source of energy and structure our cell membranes. Each of the 60-90 TRILLION cells in the human body is encased and protected by Essential Fatty Acids!

Do both men and women need these Essential Fatty Acids?
Yes! The Omega 3 & Omega 6 balance is important for men and women both. With that said, it is especially important for females.                               

 "A female child must store this DHA at the same time that she requires substantial amounts of DHA to support her own growth and development. Because she must allocate some of her {limited dietary} Omega 3's to storing DHA for her future children, there is competition between her need for DHA for her own body and brain now and her need to store DHA for future reproduction." In addtion, "stored maternal fat is selectively used to support the development of the fetal and infant brain – via the placenta and breast milk – females must prepare for these demands by storing DHA in fat at a much higher rate than males during their childhood and adolescence while their brain and bodies are still growing."

In summary: We need more Omega 3's - which we get through food or supplements - and less Omega 6's. The amount of DHA that moms have stored up will - without a doubt - dictate the development of their baby.
Looking for a great way to supplement and ensure your body finds balance? Check out They have products for men, women, children and babies and their products are top quality!

Questions? Head to my website and connect with me.
Until next time....stay rooted!  

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